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Introduction to NVC by Bridget Belgrave

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Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

Marshall Rosenberg

Learning NVC with the

Dance Floors

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Nonviolent Communication (NVC) refers directly to its source, the practice of Nonviolence as practiced by Mahatma Gandhi. It is a way of being when we have the intention to cultivate goodwill and disinterested love towards all others, regardless of the attitude the other takes towards us. It requires a deep curiosity for, and an understanding of, the different viewpoints and needs of ourselves and others. 


NVC, as developed by Marshall Rosenberg, brings empathy and compassion into peoples’s life and  social environment whilst not becoming a “doormat” and being authentic and honest to oneself and others. NVC transforms the life of practitioners and of others around them, at home with their family, with friends, in the workspace, in communities, and even with strangers, into mutually satisfying relationships of interconnectedness.


The learning journey starts by understanding the NVC process, skills, distinctions and its profound source. Transforming judmental thinking and speaking into empathic connections is transformational in preventing and/or handling conflicts and emotions in a constructive and creative way. NVC is about exploring and expressing your core needs, in a honest and respectful way, while listening deeply to the emotions and pain of others, hearing their needs and supporting them in exploring and expressing their needs. When learning NVC you will experience a strong sense of empowerment right from the start.


Nonviolent Communication is a learnable process, an attitude, an awareness that can become a way of living, empowering yourself and others to live authentically. His book "Nonviolent Communication" sold over one million copies in over 30 languages (2015)


When I met Marshall Rosenberg there was for me an immediate recognition of how the NVC practice could integrate as a practical spirituality into my Buddhist practice.


“I think it is important that people see that spirituality is at the base of Nonviolent Communication, and that they learn the mechanics of the process with that in mind. It’s really a spiritual practice that I am trying to show as a way of life.” 
Marshall Rosenberg

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