General Data Protection Regulation
The data that I collect of people has the purpose to inform them about upcoming courses or related events.
People join my mailing list:
Upon attending my workshops/events. The pre-May 2018 registered people have been asked by email whether they want to unsubscribe from the mailing list. Post-May 2018 registration will require actively giving permission, either by email, booking form or other means of communication that I can document.
After contacting me by email or by using the contact form on this website with the request to join my mailing list.
The data on my mailings list is centrally held in an Excel file that is:
Password protected
This Excel file includes the following data:
Email address
Phone number (if available)
First workshop attended + year
The Excel file does NOT include personal sensetive data such as gender, race, health, bank account, political or religious beliefs.
Each person on my mailing list, by using their email address that is on my Excel file, can request:
To be removed from my Excel file and mailing list
To acccess their data
In all my mailings I will include an opt-out statement.